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- Marty gave me permission to repost his message here.
- (Marty Garza is a section leader for the Govt. Conspiracies section
- of the Encounters Forum on Compuserve.)
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- Hello Everyone,
- As most of you know, on September 8, 1994 the USAF released an explanation
- for the 1947 Roswell incident. The explanation given was that of a secret
- balloon project named Mogul. Well, in the latest issue of UFO magazine,
- Paul Davids (Ex. Producer/Co Writer of the Showtime movie "Roswell") made
- some interesting statements rebutting the Mogul explanation which will be
- contained in an up coming video that will go on sale in the near future.
- The most interesting rebuttal was made concerning a recent discovery. As
- you may know the Mogul balloons were intended to carry instruments to
- monitor the progress of the Soviet nuclear weapons development program.
- It was discovered that shortly after the Roswell incident Jesse Marcel was
- promoted to Lt. Col. and placed in charge of investigating the very same
- Soviet nuclear weapons program. If anyone was going to know about Mogul
- and it's intended use, Marcel surly would have.
- So why did he come forward thirty years later to state that what Brazel
- found in the field near Roswell was not a balloon but something not of
- earthly origin?
- Next, in the USAF report they state that what was found was the wreckage
- of Mogul #4, but it was launched on June 4, 1947 and records show that
- Mogul balloon tests lasted a maximum of 10 hours. So why was the debris
- not found until July 2? Furthermore, the Mogul test conducted in June
- utilized a conventional Neoprene balloon (same as a weather balloon), and
- not the special polyethylene balloons which were not utilized until late
- July and were attributed with the confusion surrounding the debris. In
- addition, would a balloon, other than the Hindenburg <g> have left a debris
- field 250 ft. wide and 3/4 of a mile long? Not to mention a gorge where
- the sand was turned to glass.
- Another curious point about the USAF report was that it's main witness is
- a man by the name C. B. Moore who worked on Mogul. But interestingly,
- C. B. Moore was interviewed by William Moore and Charles Berlitz for their
- book "The Roswell Incident" in which he was asked if the debris could have
- been that of a Mogul balloon. To which he replied, "Based on the
- descriptions, I can definitely rule this out. There wasn't a balloon in
- 1947 or today that could account for this incident." So why the change of
- opinion now?
- Up until September 1994, Sheridan Cavitt had denied being with Marcel at
- the debris field but now states that he was in fact there and that he knew
- it was a balloon almost immediately. He states that he lied to protect his
- security oath because Mogul was top secret. So why were photographs of the
- balloons published on July 10, 1947? The fact is that Mogul balloons were
- not secret, only their intended use was. They even carried a tag which
- said "If found, please return to New York University". And why didn't
- Cavitt tell Marcel that it was a balloon in the first place? Why did he
- allow it to blow up into a media event when he could have ended it right
- there and then?
- The report also attributes the purple hieroglyphics found by Marcel on a
- piece of I-beam as hearts and flowers found on the tape utilized on the
- Mogul balloons. But, to date no one has been able to come up with a sample
- of this alleged tape.
- In addition, nowhere in the 28 pages of the USAF's conclusion was any
- reference made to the bodies described by the numerous and credible
- witnesses. Since Mogul balloons were obviously unmanned, even if the
- bodies were as some sceptics have stated, shaved monkeys, where did they
- come from? Maybe some secret program to monitor the nuclear weapons
- development the of chimpanzee population? <g>
- Finally, a GAO investigator states that they did not request a USAF
- conclusion concerning the happenings near Roswell but instead requested
- documentation. To this the USAF replies that they have none in their
- possession.
- Sounds like the same old, same old to me.
- Marty Garza/SL
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